APOC PIRATES is the only Bitcoin Art Collection Guaranteed to...
Survive The Apocalypse
APOC PIRATES is a collection of 13,000 pirate flag PFPs and the only crypto collection specifically designed to survive any apocalyptic event.
Once all APOC PIRATES are minted, the entire Bitcoin node will be downloaded, stored, isolated from the internet, and preserved inside an EMP proof underground nuclear bunker, designed and built by the US government.
So no matter what combination of doomsday scenarios play out...
Nuclear War
Polar Shift
Word War III
Solar Flare
WWW Virus
Crypto Virus
Celestial Impact
Biological Virus
Civil Unrest
Super Volcano
Hyper Inflation
...APOC PIRATES will survive.
APOC PIRATES taps into the pure decentalized nature of Crypto using Bitcoin Ordinals that actually inscribe your art collection into the blockchain, so you (and not some centralized chain or admin), control your investment.
Claim your APOC PIRATE Jolly Roger (pirate flag) to mark your territory on the Bitcoin blockchain:
(Join history and be a part of the FIRST ordinal collection over 10k ever launched
We've made it easy to purchase whether you're an expert crypto investor or a compete newbie. Use Ordinal Wallet to pay with Bitcoin, Lightning BTC (which can also be paid with USD using Cash App).
More about the artist and this collection:
About The Artist
Ruben Romero is the founder of a fine art genre called Transmaterialism. Transmaterialism is an art movement started in 2004, which treats intangible material as physical. Transmaterialists want to mold intangibles like space, time, light, sound and digital assets like clay on a potters wheel.
Over the last two decades, Romero has done work with hypersonic sound, light, space, and digital art. A signature mark of his work is his use of hand crafted glass as a representation of intangible material. He explores concepts about time, the immaterial value of currency, and the physical quality of non physical materials.
In 2001, he received a BFA from Tyler School of Art and in 2004 a MFA from the University of the Arts. He is doxed with a social media following of over 680k. He also owns and is renovating a Nuclear Hardened Underground Bunker.
When creating this project, Romero felt that the genre of crypto art must be taken more seriously as an art form. He found that pirate flags are a unique way to enhance the idea of traditional PFP collections. He chose a pixelated art style to pay tribute to the early crypto projects, and help legitimize crypto art as a whole.
APOC PIRATES is his first collection in the Crypto space and he's excited that there is more permanence with Ordinals over tranditional NFTs and the potential to create a subversive community.
Grab your APOC PIRATE Jolly Roger now and mark your apocalyptic territory on the Bitcoin blockchain:
How Will You Make Sure These Ordinals Survive An Apocalypse?
Ruben Romero owns a 6000sqft Decommissioned Nuclear Hardened EMP Proof Underground Bunker that was built by the government in the late 60s to survive a near-miss nuclear exposion and that he's renovating into his home.
Once all APOC PIRATES are minted, the entire Bitcoin node will be downloaded, stored, isolated from the internet and perserved inside his bunker so it will be impervious to solar flares, nuclear fallout, computer viruses, zombies and pretty much any type of apocalyptic event.
What Are Ordinals?
They are the smallest unit of Bitcoin and are tracked using unique characteristics. They can be inscribed with images that are added directly to the blockchain.
Why Bitcoin Ordinals?
We love the idea of NFTs but they have several giant flaws. They aren't forever. Modern NFTs are basically links to an image stored somewhere online. But what happens if (or rather "when") the creator or the host of those NFTs decides to stop hosting them? At that point, a NFT is nothing more than a link to a digital asset that doesn't exist anymore. In that scenario, how can you prove ownership if the image no longer exists on the link of the contract?
NFTs are stored off chain, on centralized chains, and are almost completely controlled by the admin(s).
These features make (even the most established) NFT projects impermanent and ultimately a "slow rug".
Bitcoin Ordinals are actually written into the blockchain itself, are decentralized, have no admin control, and as long as the blockchain exists, so will your ordinal.
Are These Bitcoin NFTs?
Great question! Bitcoin NFTs and Ordinals are basically the same thing. "Bitcoin NFT" is a term often used so peope have a basic idea of what an Ordinal is.
Aren't Bitcoin Ordinals Like Graffiti On The Blockchain?
Yes and we embrace the idea of graffiti art on the blockchain. In fact, we think having the image data on the blockchain itself is the only way to preserve digital art made for blockchain technology forever and is good for society (just like the Tiananmen Square 'Tank Man' image that was put on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Will Adding Images To The Bitcoin Blockchain Make It Slow And Unusable?
That's an interesting question that seems rooted in a fear of stagnant technological advancement. The same question was likely asked about videos on the web, but video pioneers didn't let the existing technological limitations stop them, and eventually the technology caught up to the demand. The same could be said about art embedded into blockchain technology.
Some argue that images on the blockchain could damage Bitcoin's intended purpose as a money alternative but utimately we do not care.
Why Pirate Flags?
Early crypto projects focused on profile picture collections because collectors personally identified with them and they are easily displayed on social media. PIRATE FLAGS take the traditional crypto profile picture to the next level by representing a personal and a cultural identity that symbolizes the collector's power and individuality.